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1. 《Conscious Business》- Fred Kofman



More and more business leaders are catching on to an often-overlooked fact: consciousness is our basic faculty for survival and success. Without it, we forget what's important to us and lose sight of the steps we might take to reach those goals. “Conscious business, ” explains Fred Kofman, means shining this awareness on every area of your work: in recognizing the needs of others and expressing your own;in seeing the hidden emotional obstacles that may be holding your team back;in making good decisions under pressure?and even in delving into such ?spiritual? questions as “Who am I?” and “What is my real purpose here?” In Conscious Business, this visionary teacher and consultant to Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and other leading companies presents the complete training manual in the breakthrough techniques he has shared with over 20,000 executives on four continents.

2. 《走过美国》- 喻海翔






image_thumb13. 《正面管教》- Jane Nelson


For twenty-five years, Positive Discipline has been the gold standard reference for grown-ups working with children. Now Jane Nelsen, distinguished psychologist, educator, and mother of seven, has written a revised and expanded edition. The key to positive discipline is not punishment, she tells us, but mutual respect. Nelsen coaches parents and teachers to be both firm and kind, so that any child–from a three-year-old toddler to a rebellious teenager–can learn creative cooperation and self-discipline with no loss of dignity. Inside you’ll discover how to
• bridge communication gaps
• defuse power struggles
• avoid the dangers of praise
• enforce your message of love
• build on strengths, not weaknesses
• hold children accountable with their self-respect intact
• teach children not what to think but how to think
• win cooperation at home and at school
• meet the special challenge of teen misbehavior




妞妞最近总爱问我“人为什么会死?”“人死了以后去哪里?”这些很难回答的问题,我告诉她人死了以后会变成Dust,妞妞昨天晚上睡觉前又想这个问题,她说“Mommy, when you die, I will collect your dust and put it into a clean place so I know you will always be there."




I was reading this article “How to Give a Good Compliment”. One point really made me think. That is: “It takes confidence and self-esteem to notice good things about others and to make the first caring move to tell them about it”.

Also the comment from Barbara made me smile:

When my now 14-year old daughter was about 4 years old, she would always compliment cashiers. I started to think she only did it to get a “surprise” (usually stickers or a balloon). So, I looked at her one day & asked, “Stryker, are you complimenting people just to get prizes?” She looked up at me and answered seriously, “Yes, but I do always find something I like. When I can’t find anything, I tell them I like their smile because everyone has a pretty smile.”

Wisdom from a little one.

